Flow Chart - Layout Application Process
Processing of Layout Papers by the CLPA/NTDA Offices
Areas falling within CLPA/NTDA
The extent of land : upto 5 acres in respect of Corporation, Municipality and Town Panchayat and a Maximum extent of 10 acres in respect of rural areas.
The centage charges should be paid into government account under a specified Head of Account.
Layout applications - Approval by the Regional Office
Area falling within the jurisdiction of regional directorate except the areas covered by the CLPA/NTDA and the land is less than 5 acres in respect of Corporation, Municipality and Town Panchayat and a Maximum extent of 10 acres in respect of rural areas.
The centage charges should be paid into government account under a specified Head of Account.
On receipt of the said charges, fair copy of the technically approved layout will be prepared, numbered and due entries will be made in the layout register.
Layout applications – Approval by DTCP
The extent of proposed layout: above 5 acres in respect of Corporation, Municipality and Town Panchayat and a above 10 acres in respect of rural areas.
The applicant can get the approved layout plan from the local body.
< The case of Rejection of layout application>
If it was decided to reject the application on merits, letter of intimation, clearly expressing the grounds for such rejection, will be sent to the Local Planning Authority, local body and to the applicant.
< The case of Returning of application>
If decision taken to return the application owing to deficiency of information, non-satisfaction of rules/norms and other obvious reasons that are recorded in the scrutiny report, the proposal will be returned stating the reasons to the local body with copies marked to Local Planning Authority and the applicant.
< The case of want of particulars>
On scrutiny of applications if it was found that some particulars are still required and a decision taken at higher level to give some time to the applicant to furnish such particulars a letter will be sent to the applicant requesting him to furnish such particulars with in such time period.
If the applicant submits the required additional particulars within specified time limit due scrutiny of additional particulars will be carried out.
If the particulars submitted by the applicant are found to still insufficient or the applicant fails to submit within specified time period, action will be taken to reject / return the application.
Sub-division and amalgamation of plots
The power to give technical approval to sub-division / amalgamation of plots is vested with Member secretaries of Composite Local planning authorities to certain extent.
Applicant should submit application in 5 sets to the Member Secretary, Local Planning Authority/NTDA/RDD in the prescribed form with necessary enclosures
Amalgamation of site proposal may be approved.
scrutiny by local body -
Scrutiny By Local body (Layout applications)
Follow up action by local body on receipt of technical approval for lay out proposals
Directorate of Town and Country Planning
Click here to view the check list for applications related to layout